Wednesday, April 14, 2010


While media as art enlightens the audience, entertainment media exploits the audience. In order to remain profitable, media companies advertize for associate companies, pushing product on the audience. In reality, it is the media companies who are selling our viewership to the production companies and their product. Companies pay the media industry to get eyes looking at their products in an attempt that some
Useful information causes change, whereas redundant information/ misinformation hinders progress and causes chaos. It also leads to ignorance; as the truth is covered in misinformation, media-influenced spin, and outright lies, what people blindly accept as the truth is almost always not true. Yet, they absorb the fallacies and re-contribute to the media that started them with their own opinions, biases and slants.
This is most certainly true of today’s media; the misinformation and fallacious media present the most entertaining and highly viewed media are the fake news shows like The Daily Show or Colbert report. They give obviously one-sided arguments and astronomical omissions that the public absorbs like and encyclopedia with a hysterical live audience.
Inspired, people carve out their own soap boxes and niches on their personalize pages on Facebook and MySpace, drop every single thought they have, logical or not, on to the net via Twitter, and capture their thoughts made vocal on YouTube.

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