Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chomsky and Marx

Marx's description of a society is similar to Chomsky's in that both are dealing with a society run by capitalism, with centralized means of production. Further, in both Marx's and Chomsky's description, the society is divided into two classes: the elite and the majority. The elite class are the decision makers in the society-- they decide what (governmental) policy to undertake, what ideology is acceptable, etc.-- and because they are the decision makers AND capitalists, they decide what direction the society takes and how it would be run, their own interests in the form of ideologies and values are placed at the forefront as the ideal/the normal, while the rest of the society serves the interest of the elite class and conform to these values (for example, both Chomsky and Marx mention the "family value" as an ideal because the nuclear family serves better financially). In effect, the elite/policy makers set the societal ideology and ideals, much like propaganda would.

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