Thursday, April 8, 2010

Baby Killers

Rachel Maddow and Jon Stewart are both critical thinkers, because they base their comedy and opinions on specific facts, footage, quotes, situations, etc. They are not merely poking fun at politicians simply based on party association or assumptions or exaggerations, they back it up with clips that explain their reasoning.

The problem with just simply yelling “baby killer” and spitting at someone is that it doesn’t really make a point. It just means you’re angry. Plus it’s not likable; nobody likes people how spit on other people. We should restrict that kind of stuff to only trashy reality TV shows.

Basically Fisher’s approach is “be logical”. Any criticisms should be made with facts and specific examples. Also the focus should be the future goal or a solution. Critiques should be based in reality and not exaggerations and inane comments. These actions and slurs have a sort of boomerang effect, making the critique seem immediately wrong.

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