Friday, May 28, 2010

Blog 13--Who owns the Media

After reading SmartMobs introduction, Reingolds perspective on changes in media is very apparent in my own current life. For example my brother right now is over in South Korea, and before leaving he was informed that his American cell phone would not work over there, because they are on a higher frequency for cell phone, and essentially his cell phone was too “old” to run off of it. However, because of computers my brother although without a cell phone for the time being has been able to skype with me via our computers. Reignold discusses how intercommunicating devices are becoming increasingly useful to individuals. Ten years ago, this type of communication was probably non-existent, and now it is as easy as checking email. This change in media has helped me stay in touch with my brother on a daily basis, where before it wouldn’t have been this easy.

Another is example is when Reingold discusses how in Japan he witnesses an interaction among five people, while the younger people share a text message amongst themselves, they do not with the older people. I can relate this back to my own current life by when I am out to dinner with older people (my parents, their friends) they find it very rude when I take my cell phone and text message, but when I am with people my own age, people not only don’t mind, but don’t even seem to notice it. This demonstrates that over the ages how much technology is more accepted upon a younger generation because we don’t know much else.

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