Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blog 12 (Extra Credit)- Viral Videos

After viewing the YouTube videos of Bernhard Drax, where they show the virtual world “Second life”, this is a great example of the what the Burgess’s article discusses in relation to having a participatory experience via the internet. Second Life allows users to actually discuss (political issues), move around, and venture into places (ex. Guantanamo Bay) in this virtual world amongst each other. The users rather than just sitting back and watching a video, get to manipulate their digital extension without having to hold back any feelings like they might have to in real life. Second Life really demonstrates what Burgess emphasis as using “the central role of cultural participation in the creation of social and economic value in participatory culture”. These users are allowing other users to follow this “viral video” of Second Life, while then creating their own “avatar” of themselves. These users then put forth their feelings, gender, sexuality, etc. and as Burgess’s describes creates a video “that is not in any way original”.

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