Monday, May 17, 2010

Blog 11 - The Yes Men

The Yes Men's critique of media is that the government is not doing its job in regulating the free market. Since the free market is not being regulated there are many things in our society that is wrong. People are living in the mindset where Milton Friedman's ideals are important to everyone. They are told that human greed and self interest are good just as long as they are promoting the welfare of the consumer and where human sacrifice is okay just as long as someone profits. The pranks that these Yes Men do analyze the idea of companies doing the right thing and taking responsibility of their actions. These pranks explains the workings of the media because they show how information can be blocked and often misunderstood. Many people who listen to the media often don't realize the horrible things going on with the world because it is all hidden from the TV, newspapers and on the radio. The Yes Men represent many of the topics that we are learning in class. One of the terms is the false consciousness which is best shown in the movie by how we think that the government and the free market are there to help and better our communities because they represent us but in reality they are just trying to profit from society.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about how Karl Marx's idea of "false consciousness" relates to the Yes Men's work. The idea of "false consciousness" revolves around the idea of the difference between appearance and reality, which is exactly what the Yes Men are trying to expose in their projects.
